Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 3- Capture a color

Oh my, I again had no idea where I was going to go with this. But it became green-why? Because I realized that I am surrounded by green. However, I found this very, very challenging. I could not get anything to photograph true to color. I have a huge pond on my property, that is currently in need of some serious help, but because of that it is bright green, and would have been awesome if it had not turned out white.....sad. Same thing for everything else. I just can't get it right. It proves to me that I do in fact need to take a class, and I need lots and lots of practice! So here goes, Green.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Week 2-Capture Motion/Stop Motion

Well, I tried. I don't think that I am at that level yet, where I am ready for motion. So, the following are just a few that I shot, trying to capture the elusive motion.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Chair Part Deux

Well, I guess I reached my photo limit in the first post. Here are the rest of my chair pics. I thought that I had 36, but I did not. So, oh well-there are plenty!

First Assignment-The Chair

So, our first assignment was to take 36 pictures of a chair. Mmmmmh, which chair to choose? I choose my old red rocker. It is in serious need of a facelift but it has tons of character. And I am going to need character if this is going to be even remotely interesting. So, here it is.....The Chair.
(Keep an eye out for Ruby the Pug. She may just make an appearance.)


Hello, I am Mary, and I am learning to use my new camera. A few internet friends decided to start blogs, and all practice photography together. Every week we will have a new assignment....this could get very interesting!